A worldwide energy revolution has begun to conserve existing energy/electricity supply; to develop sustainable future generated energy/electricity supply; develop clean & renewable energy. The extent of this revolution will by necessity be much bigger than fossilized generated energy (oil & coal).
Every individual and business no longer have a choice but to urgently and immediately do his/her part to ensure a green environment or increasingly face the already visible consequences of global warming, climate change, negative impact on food production, more rolling electricity black-outs, loss of productivity and income.
The obvious and logical solution to help reduce CO2 emissions, reduce the carbon footprint of your building & home and contribute to ensure a healthy environment, is, inter alia, to manage and reduce the electricity consumption of your building & home.
An up to 35% or more electricity saving solution on air conditioner and H-vac energy consumption, with a payback on investment by insulating your windows.