GOURMET GARDENS came into being based on this simple but ultimately effective principle.
Hi, I’m Charl Marais, I'm 46 years old and I live in Cape Town, I am what people will refer to as a FOODIE, have been since age 19 and will always be. I studied Food Service Management and have been hooked ever since.
I cook as a way of life, I do not cook in order to be able to eat, I cook anyway. To me it is the pleasure in my day, I sometimes get asked if I need help while busy in my kitchen, my usual reply is, “ No thanks, just pull up a chair and pour yourself some wine and keep me company”.
You see, to me this is not “work” it is my pleasure, I do it rather than most anything else in life.
I came to understand that not only does creating a dish and preparing it for my loved ones make me happy but planting and harvesting the ingredients used in the dish has an even more satisfying effect. It so happened that my one passion started fueling the other one. I wanted to grow most of what we eat. This is how my garden, veggies, herbs and fruit was born.